Carla Y. Nix

Walking In My Purpose

Holiday Cooking Tip For Diabetics

It never fails.  Contrary to what many may fear would happen for a diabetic during the holidays, I historically experience the opposite.  One might think that a diabetic, particularly one like me who still struggle with the love of sweets, will slip and over do it.

I cook a huge meal every single Thanksgiving.  Cook pretty heavily for Christmas.  But, for me, whenever I find myself cooking like that, I usually experience an episode of hypoglycemia.  I love cooking for my family and I truly enjoy it when everyone’s home to enjoy the feast. 

Holiday cooking usually takes a couple of days to prepare.  I always find myself in the kitchen for hours, on my feet, busy like a beaver.  Although I’m cooking food and everything smells fantastic, I don’t usually THINK about eating.  I am focused on cooking, not eating for myself.  Before I know it, I miss a meal, or two, and wham! That dreaded hypoglycemia, or crash in blood sugar, sneaks up on me and then hit me like a ton of bricks.

I am sure that any diabetic can tell you that those sugar lows are the worse feeling in the world.

So, to avoid this, I personally am forcing myself to remember to simply do right.  Eat something!  The food is right there, why not take the time to see about myself and eat?!  Some cooks eat while they prepare the food.  I’m not one of those people.  If you’re not either, join me this year and remember to eat! 

Carla Y. Nix

One Response to “Holiday Cooking Tip For Diabetics”

  1. Linda Beed said

    Carla I totally understand and thanks for the tips for the cook.

    Because I want to remain as healthy as possible I have opted to take the necessary precausions in order to stay on track.

    The meals I prepare for my family have become healthy, low-carb affairs. This does not mean that it is flavorless, it means that I use natural ingredients, I bake, roast or broil rather than fry. Sweet are kept to a minimum and more water is presented rather than the hi-fat (eggnog) and high sugar (sodas & juice) drinks.

    Portion control is truly the key. We have been taught to super-size virtually everything when it comes to eating. Instead of stuffing ourselves we can eat what is their, but in moderation. You get want you want and you’re preserving your body for the years to come.


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